caut pe niste amatori de liniste si de solitudine pentru Malin
un weekend, 2 sau 3 zile, o saptamina, asteptand pe primii wwoofers
0764 246 780
un weekend, 2 sau 3 zile, o saptamina, asteptand pe primii wwoofers
0764 246 780
"For so long here without worldly attachments
I have renounced literature and writing;
I may be a monk in a mountain temple,Yet still moved in seeing gorgeous blossoms
Scattered by the spring breeze,
And hearing the warbler's lovly song--
Let others judge my meager efforts.*
I have renounced literature and writing;
I may be a monk in a mountain temple,Yet still moved in seeing gorgeous blossoms
Scattered by the spring breeze,
And hearing the warbler's lovly song--
Let others judge my meager efforts.*